Dec 20, 2022 | Getting Clients |
A significant challenge with marketing unique, experiential work like lesser-known healing modalities, personal growth approaches, or transformative group processes is that your ideal prospective clients aren’t already seeking it out. They’re looking for...
Oct 18, 2022 | Business Model |
In a national survey of self-employed professionals, almost 50% of the consultants, coaches, and other professionals declared that they were currently not earning enough to meet their expenses. This result isn’t too surprising, since according to the U.S. Small...
Aug 23, 2022 | Getting Clients |
If I had to name one thing that causes more self-employed professionals to fail at marketing than any other, it would be lack of follow-up. Every day, I see solopreneurs and service business owners do a fabulous job at filling their marketing pipeline with prospective...
Jun 21, 2022 | Get Yourself There |
They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results. I’ve noticed that we self-employed professionals indulge in this practice fairly often. For example, you have some potential business to discuss with...
May 23, 2022 | Nonfiction Writing |
Aaron Agius is the co-founder of Louder Online, helping business clients be more discoverable online and increase their website traffic. He came up with 27 reasons people aren’t reading your blog posts. They’re all worthwhile learning about, but...
Nov 23, 2021 | Nonfiction Writing |
Roger C. Parker interviews C.J. Hayden for his Published and Profitable community on how to develop multiple streams of income from a nonfiction book. Included is C.J.’s story of how her writing career got started and where Get Clients Now! began. Here’s some of...