Slay Your Productivity Dragons

They lie in wait for you when you least expect them — the productivity dragons of fear, resistance and procrastination. Just when you think you’ve defeated them at last, they rear their ugly heads again. What’s a self-employed professional or...

Feeling Stopped? Spend Just Five Minutes

Do you ever find yourself feeling afraid, resistant, or just plain stuck about getting started on something you need to do? Of course you do. We all do. Whether it’s not knowing how to begin, going out for a walk on a freezing morning, filing your income taxes,...

Become a Fearsome Writer

Writing holds the potential to provoke a considerable amount of fear. We worry if we can turn into completed prose the vague thoughts in our heads. We’re anxious about what our readers will think of what we’ve written. We’re afraid we’ll never...

Do You Need Inspiration to Write?

The Nobel-Prize-winning writer William Faulkner published 19 novels, 125 short stories, 20 screenplays, one play, and six collections of poetry. How on earth did he manage to stay inspired? Here’s what Faulkner himself said: “I only write when I am...

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