Get It Written Village is currently closed to new members.
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I have something new to help you get your writing done, and I’d like to invite you to be part of it. I know what a challenge it is for you in the middle of your busy professional and personal life to get your blog posts, articles, course materials, or book written. I’d like to provide more support to you than I’m currently able to with monthly Get It Written Days and occasional webinars.
What if I could be by your side all week, gently reminding you of how much you want to write, offering quick, simple solutions to overcome whatever stops you from writing as much as you’d like, helping you connect with resources and structures to support your writing, keeping you inspired and motivated, and celebrating your progress?
And, what if you could also be part of a community of nonfiction writers -– all of them self-employed professionals like you -– who are on the same path. Instead of only being able to connect with them when you’re at Get It Written Day or enrolled in a class, you could reach out to community members any time to ask for inspiration, brainstorming, kudos, or buddies to write with.
And, if on top of that, you also had me on tap in the community to answer your burning questions about your nonfiction writing projects?
Would that help you …get more writing done? …break through blocks and climb out of ruts? …feel like you weren’t alone with your keyboard so much? ..enjoy the camaraderie of a tight circle of like-minded professionals who write?
I’m inviting you to become a charter member of the Get It Written Village. Every week, you’ll receive:
- Monday Mantra -– An inspirational/motivational quote about writing, with an invitation to declare your writing intentions for the week to your fellow citizens.
- Wednesday Wisdom -– A quick read with solutions to common writing dilemmas, like finding time to write, feeling like your writing isn’t good enough, why people aren’t reading your stuff, or how to get clear on what you want to say.
- Friday Flash -– Words from a famous writer on how and why writing is worthwhile, with an invitation to celebrate your progress (or set intentions for the weekend) in the Village.
“I’m checking into the Village regularly and feeling inspired and connected. All the tips, tricks, and insights from the Village are helping me produce a lot of writing, with less angst and more enjoyment.”
~ Ed Kamrin, Strategic Communications Consultant
Each month, you’ll have a chance to take part in:
- Writing Challenges -– Sprints and contests to build your writing skills and habits. Yes, there will be prizes!
- Corner Pub Gatherings -– Live Zoom sessions to connect with other Villagers, learn about new tools and techniques, and discuss your writing projects.
When you post your intentions for writing in our private community, you’ll create accountability for yourself, and get cheers and encouragement from your fellow writers.
When you ask for help or writing companions, you’ll get answers, ideas, and writing fellowship.
When you share your writing progress and accomplishments, you’ll get applause, congratulations, and acknowledgement.
Plus, as the Village grows, we’re adding other benefits, like mini-classes and a resource library, that you, the Villagers, believe will best support your writing.
If this sounds like an adventure you’d like to join me for, I’m inviting you to come along! The cost to you as a first-year member will be only $39 per month, or a discounted $397 if you enroll for a full year in advance. As a first-year member, your price is locked in for the first year. And, your price will never go up more than $5 per month each year that you’re a member, no matter how many benefits are added or what other people are paying.
“Wow! I’ve only been responding to posts in The Village for about 20 minutes and already I’ve uncovered a number of mindset gremlins that are keeping me playing small. I don’t know if I can take this much transformation!”
~ Marena Drlik, Transformational Life Coach
What do you say – would you like to join us? Enroll today!
Get It Written Village is currently closed to new members.
Join the waitlist below!
Sign up here, and I’ll notify you when Village membership re-opens.