Reluctance to promote yourself holds you back from achieving personal fulfillment and financial success. When you hesitate to broadcast your accomplishments and capabilities, your ideal clients never get a chance to find out what you can do for them. In this road-tested course, you will learn to overcome fear, resistance, and the inner critic, so you can promote yourself and your business confidently!
Over the past two decades, this powerful, insightful course has been taken by hundreds of self-employed professionals like you. In eight lessons of about 20 minutes each, followed by homework assignments, you will learn specific, actionable techniques for managing the fear and resistance you have about marketing and selling.
There were two powerful lessons I learned from this course, among many! Working with the tools in the course, I was able to name fear of rejection as the most challenging for me. C.J.’s suggested strategy of building up confidence to overcome rejection was a game changer. My second lesson was to focus on building relationships rather than selling to people. What an amazing approach to finding clients. I highly recommend this course to other self-employed professionals.
~ Lupe Wood, Career and Executive Coach
- How fear and resistance to sales and marketing works behind the scenes to sabotage you
- Step-by-step approaches to overcome the seven most common fears of self-promotion
- How to identify when fear, resistance, and your inner critic are running the show
- What you can do to reprogram your thinking about marketing and sales
- Specific techniques you can use to promote yourself even when it scares you
- How to transform your relationship with marketing, selling, and prospective clients so you can promote yourself confidently
When I started as a self-employed consultant, people told me to embrace the fear. As well-meaning as that advice is, it’s not helpful because it doesn’t tell you how. This course offers a wealth of practical ideas and techniques to overcome fear — and go forth bravely to self-promote authentically and constructively. It’s filled with examples from other self-employed professionals. I got immediate value from the course and it gave my marketing a much-needed jumpstart.
~ Ed Kamrin, Strategic Communications Consultant
- Consultants, coaches, and trainers
- Therapists, counselors, and health practitioners
- Writers, designers, and artists
- Fitness, lifestyle and beauty professionals
- Self-employed professionals and freelancers
- Anyone who must promote their own services in order to succeed
- How to recognize fear or resistance in the moment, so you can get past it as it happens
- Discovering your personal antidote to self-promotion fear
- What to do when fear masquerades as procrastination and avoidance
- Proven strategies for reprogramming your inner critic
- Quick fixes to use when fear or resistance shows up
- How to tell people about your capabilities without bragging or being pushy
This course was extremely helpful to me, helping me overcome a serious case of “imposter syndrome.” The course helped categorize my fear, learn strategies to manage it, and confidently and authentically help people with my consulting work. I highly recommend the course; it is organized into very manageable “chunks,” gives practical assignments, and builds the confidence consultants need to be successful at marketing and sales.
~ Craig Trombly, Business Coach
- Eight 20-minute video lessons, including lecture, visual aids, evidence, and examples
- Audio and transcript versions of each lesson so you can listen or review anywhere
- Shared experiences from others who have taken this course
- Experiential homework for each lesson, supporting you to prepare and practice on your own
- Lesson notes that capture essential lesson elements, resources, and references
This is not a course of follow-me-formulas and quick fix solutions. It is a guide to understanding and dealing with the fears that hold us back. C.J. is intelligent, compassionate and wise. The result of the course for me has been to begin a transformation from being the procrastination champion of the world to believing that contacting potential clients is something I can actually enjoy.
~ Carole Craig, Freelance Writer and Journalist
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Overcoming the Fear of Self-Promotion is also available as a book
Questions about the course? Contact me!