Business Building Writer Academy

For all graduates of the Business Building Writer Essentials program, you are invited to participate in the Business Building Writer Academy. Now you can continue to receive targeted learning, group support, and professional feedback to improve your writing and business building skills year-round.

Please note: The current Academy group, which meets on Tuesdays, is now full. If you’re interested in joining the Academy, please email me and I’ll add you to the waiting list for the next group that forms, or if a space opens up in the Tuesday group.


BBW Academy


Join me and a dedicated group of writers in this new format, providing advanced content, group coaching, and peer support. The Business Building Writer Academy includes:

  • Live learning and sharing sessions with me via webinar, twice per month throughout the “School Year”
  • Feedback on your writing from me and your peers in a safe environment
  • Advanced writing, publishing, and business-building techniques
  • Access to the full Business Building Writer curriculum year-round (including the Essentials course and four Master Classes of six hours each)
  • Accountability and support from me and your colleagues to sustain a regular writing habit and achieve your objectives
  • Ongoing access to me to ask your personal questions about writing to build business

Blogger at work

Live Sessions

Our small group of writers will meet twice per month during the School Year (schedule info below), continuing your learning about writing for business building, giving you a time and place to check in on your goals and progress, get advice on issues you’re facing, and discuss topics of interest to the group.

The topics for our sessions will be selected by you, the members, to support you in advancing your writing and business building. Session topics will be less structured than in the Essentials course. We’ll have more discussion and time for Q and A.

Feedback, Questions and Interaction

We’ll have a private Mighty Networks group to interact outside of meeting times. During the School Year, I’ll provide feedback on your writing and answer your writing and business-building questions. Your registration as an Academy member entitles you to receive personalized feedback from me on two pieces of up to 1,000 words each during every month of the School Year. (Revisions of the same piece don’t count against this two-piece-per-month limit.)

Year-round, the group will be available for you to post writing and progress for your colleagues to comment on or applaud.

Business Building Writer Curriculum

You’ll have access in Mighty Networks to recordings in video and audio, plus slides, of all of the Business Building Writer sessions from both the Essentials course and four Master Classes of six hours each, to learn from any time you wish.


Working together

Academy Schedule

Academy activities will be divided into two time periods: “School Year,” when we are holding live sessions and I’m available to review your writing and answer questions, and “School Break,” when you’ll have access to the full curriculum, Mighty Networks group, and your peers, but live sessions will be on hiatus, and I won’t be available for feedback or questions.

Here is the schedule for the remainder of this year:

April through July 2021 — School Year: Live sessions are happening now (see below for dates and times). You can join the Tuesday group at any time; no need to wait for the next semester unless Tuesdays aren’t a fit for you.

August through September 2021 — School Break.

October through December 2021 — TBD when I return to the office in September.

During the current School Year, our live sessions will be scheduled twice per month on Tuesdays from 10:00-11:00 am Pacific, 1:00-2:00 pm Eastern. Live sessions will take place as a webinar on Zoom.

Our meeting dates for the remainder of 2021 will be Apr 20, May 4, May 18, June 1, June 15, June 29, July 13, and July 27..

Please note: The current Academy group, which meets on Tuesdays, is now full. If you’re interested in joining the Academy, please email me and I’ll add you to the waiting list for the next group that forms, or if a space opens up in the Tuesday group.

Program Cost

The cost for each full month of the School Year is $97 per month.

The cost for each full month of School Break is $27 per month.

I hope you will join me for this adventure!

Join now for only $97 for your first month,
Your next monthly payment will be due on the 1st of the following month. If you join mid-month, your payment will be prorated.

Please note: It is a prerequisite for participating in the Academy to have completed the Business Building Writer Essentials program. Thanks for understanding that all participants need to have the same grounding in this curriculum.


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